Tourism brand, analysis of Gualivá in Colombia


  • Erika Alejandra Patiño Moreno Universitaria Virtual Internacional de Colombia


The province of Gualivá is a tourist destination par excellence, offering a range of attractions and tourist activities from its location and geography becoming possibly a prominent product of Colombia, which has a variety of tourism and cultural products and experiences of significant potential for commercialization of tourist sites and projects. This article presents the development and design of an umbrella brand to support the province and to become known as a tourism products club of the Gualivá region in the department of Cundinamarca, whose results consolidate the potential it has in tourist resources from which can be formulated innovative tourism experiences in the visual creation of an umbrella brand and the brands of their own by-products, which were subjected to different tests through work tables with the community (focus groups), and consulted through semi-structured questionnaires. Structured, facilitating through statistical analysis the evidence of the importance of this type of tests in the design brands, before proceeding to the launch of the brand at local, departmental, national level with international projection.


Brand, identity, club products, province of Gualivá, brand strategy Colombia


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Author Biography

Erika Alejandra Patiño Moreno, Universitaria Virtual Internacional de Colombia

Full time teacher and researcher, advertising program.



How to Cite

Patiño Moreno, E. A. (2020). Tourism brand, analysis of Gualivá in Colombia. Questiones Publicitarias, 3(25), 9–16.


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