Spanish university doctoral research on advertising agencies: A study on thesis production (1992-2017)



Since the beginning of the 90s of the XXth Century, industry and academics began to talk about interaction, innovation and new formats applied to advertising communication. It has been a long way since there to nowadays. Today we live in a full digital context. Therefore, we can affirm that research around the world of advertising agencies has undergone a great evolution. Advertising agencies are today in the Sciences of Communication and Information a topic of great conceptual interest. Agencies per se can be considered an area of interest in the multidisciplinary field of Advertising and Public Relations. Through a production analysis, this article tries to present the main characteristics of the most preeminent doctoral theses carried out in Spain and which have focused on advertising agencies as a main subject of study. In order to do that, this study analyses the role, impact and influence that the ad agencies have had on the doctoral theses in our country. The period analysed goes from 1992 to 2017 due to technical restrictions. The method has been based in the advanced tools of the prestigious Dialnet database (University of La Rioja, Spain) and Teseo (Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain). Among thi research a final total amount of 50 doctoral theses have been recovered. Those 50 thesis are the sample of this study. The time series and the diachronic productivity of the theses have been elaborated and presented in this article. In addition, we also show other variables related to the content and the methodology. The findings show the potential growth occurred during the last years (current decade). It is also concluded that the production of doctoral theses is concentrated in a small number of institutions in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.


Database research, advertising agency, research assesment, communication studies, communication research.


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