Invisile exhibition: between art and design. Second part


  • Javier González Solas


The article raises the paradoxical situation of an exhibition, into a national museum, whose failure may consist of not seeing what is intended, because of the interposition of a standardized way of looking, that makes the proposed reading invisible. The problem may not be unique to a sector such as design, but pandemic. We try to explain its dependence on the aestheticization of society, typical of the so-called postmodern situation, in which the omission of the historical sense perverts ideologically language, even, or above all, that of vision. The original perception has been transformed into an aesthetic vision, according to the ideology of a society of leisure and emotion, which has imposed its hegemony. The aesthetic vision of the world turns into simulation and spectacle (aesthetics) any reasoned reading proposal.



Grupo 13, art and design, advertising language, aestheticization of society, sociology of design, aesthetical proletariat.


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