Sketch of a theory of genres copywriting in advertising
The treatment of the language of advertising suffers in the Spanish case of certain deficiencies that have a direct and negative impact on the teaching of this discipline in university classrooms. Since 1979, the date on which - to take a reference - Linguistics of the advertising of Domingo Cardona and R. Fernández Berasarte appeared, until 1991, the year of the publication of Rhetoric and syntax of advertising (Itinerarios de la persuasión), by Luis Sánchez Corral, more than twenty years have passed and he has barely progressed in the knowledge of the specific use that advertising makes of the language. The two fundamental defects, to call them in some way, come from the world of work and university research, the only areas that have approached the advertising language.Keywords
theory, copywriting, advertisingPublished
How to Cite
Rey, J. (1994). Sketch of a theory of genres copywriting in advertising. Questiones Publicitarias, (3), 38–50.
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