Rhythm in graphic advertising
The text proposes the study of the rhythm variable in advertising graphic messages. The rhythm is discussed and once it has been explained in different areas and/or different authors, the study is considered as a critical variable for the study of dependent variables such as the pleasantness of the message, the purchase intention or other possible variables of graphic advertisements. The values of the rhythm variable (simple, compound, constant or free) are described and its study is considered from a quantitative and experimental perspective. To do this, the study hypotheses are raised in a speculative way.
Rhythm, Advertising, Creativity, Measure, CommunicationReferences
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Figura 1
Alexandra Proaño 3D. (novembre 2024). Green Peears Diaries. Publicidad Creativa I.
Figura 2
Guinalíu, Miguel [@GUINALIU]. (Novembre, 2024). #marketingbites #mcdonalds #advertising. Twitter. https://x.com/GUINALIU/status/1163388997596585984
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