Public relations as a scientific subject: the impact of neuroscience


  • Sergio Álvarez Complutense University of Madrid
  • Alfredo Arceo Vacas Complutense University of Madrid


The efforts to endow public relations with a scientific character have generated the widespread opinion that they constitute a social science. But the lack of a theoretical production adjusted to the scientific method, together with the marked interdisciplinary nature of its corpus, prevent us from considering it as a science in its own right. It is true that neuroscientific research has opened the door to the use of empirical data to study brain processes in senders and receivers, during the practice of public relations actions. However, these techniques still require contrasting with classical methods in communication, subject to contextual interpretation.


Corporate communication, epistemology of communication, psychobiology, neuropsychology


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Author Biographies

Sergio Álvarez, Complutense University of Madrid

Predoctoral researcher in training, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising II, Faculty of Information Sciences (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). 

Alfredo Arceo Vacas, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor of university, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising II, Faculty of Information Sciences (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Doctor in Information Sciences and principal investigator of the Esavicom group.




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