Components of visual identifiers and their effect on brand recognition


  • Jose Luis Ayala Universidad de Puerto Rico


The creation of visual communications is increasingly important and extends beyond packaging, promotional material, advertising, business cards and letterheads. Many businesses invest a significant amount of money in the development of their logos (Colman et al., 1995). Studies show that 1 in 50 companies will redesign their logo in the next year (Spaeth, 2002), and at a high cost. The Pepsi company paid $ 1 million to the Arnell Group for the redesign of its logo, on the other hand, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) spent 1.8 million to redesign its logo in 1997 (Stampler, 2012).

The main purpose of this study is to explore the composition of visual communication and the elements that affect brand recognition. The correlation between recall, creativity and purchase intention is explored. The sample consisted of 100 respondents from the University of Puerto Rico. They were exposed to different stimuli and then statistical tests were performed to explore the correlations.

Five leading brands were selected in the beer and shampoo industries. The logos (visual communications) of each brand were deconstructed and the elements of form, color and typography were isolated.


Creativity, brand, visual communication


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Author Biography

Jose Luis Ayala, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Departamento de Diseño / Escuela de Comunicaciones

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