From language choice to advertising



The article recently published in Folia Linguistica entitled "First language as a determinant of implicit and explicit languages attitudes. Catalan/Spanish bilinguals' general language attitudes and response to language choice in a COVID-19 vaccination advertisement" (van Hooft et al. 2023) presents the results of one of the first experimental-cut research carried out in bilingual societies in Europe on the effects of language choice on health advertising campaigns. This is a study focused on the effect of the language used in an institutional ad (Catalan or Spanish) in favor of COVID-19 vaccination in bilingual citizens in Catalonia. This review describes this research, reflecting on the scientific and practical relevance in the field of institutional advertising.


bilinguals, Catalonia, health communication, experiment, first langage


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van Hooft, A., van Meurs, F., van de Wouw, M., & van Maren Díaz, P. (2023). First language as a determinant of implicit and explicit language attitudes: Catalan/Spanish bilinguals’ general language attitudes and response to language choice in a COVID-19 vaccination advertisement. Folia Linguistica, 57(2), 413-447.

Author Biography

Andreu van Hooft, Communication and Information Studies (CIW)Radboud University Nijmegen - The Netherlands

Assistant Professor
Communication and Information Studies (CIW)
Radboud University Nijmegen




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