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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be sent through the journal website. Firstly, it is needed to be registered as author, to sign in using the username and password and to click in “New Submission”.
If not yet registered, go to
If a new version of the manuscript is required by reviewers and/or editors, please, upload it on the same website, and entering the same place of the initial version. Don’t upload it as a new article. In case of any doubt, please, contact us through
The journal will not accept manuscripts sent by any other method or in any other format, and will not maintain correspondence about them.

The sending or publication of an article in the journal does not imply any additional economic cost for the authors

1.1 Papers
The papers presented should have between 4 and 8 pages of text with the following sections: Introduction, Study Object, Background, Methodology (which should include hypotheses, the method used and the information about the sample), Development (where is explained the study that has been done), Results (which should include the values of reliability, significance and the results of the study) and the Conclusions (which must include the conclusion itself, the discussion, the limitations of the research and the future lines).
The body text of the contributions should not carry any indication of its authorship, which ensures a better blind review. The identification will only be on the first page of the contribution.
In addition, the originals submitted should conform to the following standards:
The body text of the contributions should not carry any indication of its authorship, which ensures a better blind review. The identification will only be on the first page of the contribution.
The submitted originals will have to follow the formal aspects indicated in section 1.4 Appearance.

1.2 Essays
The essays should have a didactic character, especially where the author will present his reflections on a theme. Scientific reasoning, artistic imagination and creativity will be evaluated in order to go deeper into the question. It will be fundamental clarity expositiva that allows an easy understanding of the thought developed in the writing.
The essays presented should have between 4 and 8 pages of text with the following sections: Introduction (10%): Presentation of relevant aspects of the essay: its importance, its influence in the field of advertising and communication and the initial perspective; Development (80%). Exposition of the author's perspective on the subject and the most important elements of it. You can use the references that are considered necessary; and Conclusions (10%). Synthetic expression of the main ideas worked in the essay.
In general, the following characteristics should be identified:
• Simple and natural style.
• The writing is personal and expresses the author's thinking and their point of view.
• The narrative used will preferably be in the first person plural.
• The quotations must be used.
• Up to 3 figures can be used.
The body text of the contributions should not carry any indication of its authorship, which ensures a better blind review. The identification will only be on the first page of the contribution.
The submitted originals will have to follow the formal aspects indicated in section 1.4 Appearance.

1.3 Descriptions
This section reports general or specific topics (exhibitions, books, researches) and other events of interest related to the advertising and communication environment and that conform to the quality and interest of the journal. In order to be included, the topic dealt with must have an interest that persists over time and consequently, those contributions that have a perishable interest will not be published. In general, these texts should have a didactic nature, especially when the author exposes his reflections on what is written. Scientific reasoning, artistic imagination and creativity will be evaluated in order to delve deeper into the question. It will be fundamental clarity expositiva that allows an easy understanding of the thought developed in the writing.
The presentations should have between 1 and 4 pages of text with the following sections: Introduction (10%): Presentation of the above, its importance, its influence in the field of advertising and communication; Development (80%): Exposition of the perspective of the author on the above and the most important elements of the same. References may be used as necessary. And Conclusion (10%). Synthetic expression of the fundamental benefits and achievements to be highlighted in the descroption.
In addition, the following characteristics will have to be identified:
• Like research articles and essays should have a title, abstract and keywords (maximum 5).
• It should include the quote of the description depending if it is a book, an exhibition, an investigation or other type of event.
• Simple and natural style.
• The narrative used will preferably be in the first person plural.
• The writing is personal and expresses the author's thinking and their point of view.
• The narrative used will preferably be in the first person plural.
• The quotations must be used.
• It must include a first image that represents the reviewed (for example the book cover, poster of the exhibition ...) and can use up to a maximum of 3 figures.
The body text of the contributions should not carry any indication of its authorship, which ensures a better blind review. The identification will only be on the first page of the contribution.
The submitted originals will have to follow the formal aspects indicated in section 1.4 Appearance. 

1.4 Appearance
1.4.1 General indications
The text will be sent in Word document 2007 or 2003, DIN A4 format and set margins to 2.5 cm. 
We recommend using the following worksheet paper/essay or description

1.4.2. First page of manuscript
On this page there will appear, in this order:
• The title, as short as possible, and preferably without subtitle. Centre-justified, upper-and lowercase, ARIAL, size 16.
• Author names, university affiliation or institutions, country and address, preferably email. Centre-justified, upper-and lowercase, ARIAL, size 9 

1.4.3. Second page
On this page there will appear, in this order:
• The title in the original language, Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 16.
• The Heading abstract, Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 9.
• The abstract paragraph in the original language of the text. (max. 100 words, left justification, ARIAL, size 9).
• The Heading keywords, Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 9.
• The keywords, between 3 and 5, to identify easily the subject of the article (it is recommended that these words are different from the words that already appear in the title). Left justification, ARIAL, size 9.
• The title in the second language, Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 12
• The Heading resum o resumen Catalan or Spanish as a second language if the English is the first), Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 9.
• The abstract paragraph in the second language of the text. (max. 100 words, left justification, ARIAL, size 9
• The Heading paraules clau or palabras clave (Catalan or Spanish as a second language if the English is the first), Centre-justified, upper- and lowercase, ARIAL, size 9.
• The keywords in the second language, between 3 and 5, to identify easily the subject of the article (it is recommended that these words are different from the words that already appear in the title). Left justification, ARIAL, size 12.
If English is the original language of the article, then the Title, the Abstract and the Keywords will be in one of the other two languages (Catalan or Spanish). Anyway, two languages are necessary.

1.4.4. Body text
In general, the text will be composed in ARIAL, upper- and lowercase, size 11, bold with no hyphen and simple spacing, with the exceptions listed below. Identifying Subsections
The first level should be composed in small capitals, aligned to the left, with a blank line at the top. The second level should be composed in italics, aligned to the left with a blank line at the top. The third hierarchical level should be composed in italics, followed by a full stop and continues whit the text. A blank line above is necessary.

FIRST LEVEL (small capitals)
Legibility is primarily the concern of the typeface designer, to ensure that each individual character or glyph is unambiguous and distinguishable from all other characters in the font. Legibility is also in part the concern of the typographer to select a typeface with appropriate clarity of design for the intended use at the intended size 

Second level
Legibility is primarily the concern of the typeface designer, to ensure that each individual character or glyph is unambiguous and distinguishable from all other characters in the font. Legibility is also in part the concern of the typographer to select a typeface with appropriate clarity of design for the intended use at the intended size. 

Third level. Legibility is primarily the concern of the typeface designer, to ensure that each individual character or glyph is unambiguous and distinguishable from all other characters in the font. Legibility is also in part the concern of the typographer to select a typeface with appropriate clarity of design for the intended use at the intended size. Italics
They will be used only to enhance or emphasize a concept or a fragment of text. It is not possible to use bold or capital letters for this function. Capital letters
The capital letters are written only when is permitted by the spelling rules, according to the customs of each language, never to emphasize. Notes
The author places a note at the end of the same page where the citation is done. The calls of notes will be composed in arabic numbers. When they coincide with a punctuation mark, the notes should be before it. The notes can be bibliographical or about the content. In the last case it is recommended that they are as short as possible. The notes should be composed in ARIAL, size 8, bold and without hyphens. Quotations
We have to follow the APA guidelines. The APA rules distinguish between textual and non textual quotations. We understand as textual quotations when the words of the author are exactly reproduced, and as non textual when the text expresses the ideas of the author in our language.
The non textual quotations should indicate the surname of the author and the publication year of the document. We need to distinguish if the name of the author is part of the wording of the document, i.e. "as indicated by Novarese (1978) ...", or if it exposes the author idea in an unspecified way, example: "the reference is still valid (Cornet, 1982).”
Regarding to the textual quotations, these will be different depending on their length. If they are shorter than 40 words, it should be written in the same body text of the paragraph, between inverted commas (quotation typographic marks) and the quotation of the author following the above criteria (adding the page preceded by p or pp depending on if it occupies one or more pages). If the text is longer than 40 words, it will start in a new paragraph by indent on the left of 2.5 cm, without comment and without any additional indent at the first line. At the end, in brackets, you have to indicate the name of the author and the pages, according to the above criteria.
For other circumstances related to the direct and indirect quotes, check the following links: References
The articles should include a bibliography at the end of the paper. It will start at a new page in alphabetical order and it should be composed with a hanging indent of 0,5 cm., according to APA standards (The first line of a paragraph with a hanging indent begins to the left of where the subsequent lines begin).
If an author has more than one work they should be ordered by publication year, and if the author works with other authors, the order will be as it follows: first, the individual work, then the works with other authors, ordered by the name of the second author. If the author is an institution, then it should be ordered by the first word of the name of the institution.
The data to be included in the references are: Author, Publication Date, Title, Publication information and electronic sources. The way that these data should be included is the following. 
• It must appear the surname followed by a comma, first name and a full stop. If there are more authors, all of them are separated by ";" but not the last, which is separated by and or &. The surname is written in small capital letters, but not the name and the other details.
• If two authors have the same surname, the first name will be indicated in square brackets.
• If an author is the editor, then (End.) is added after the name.
• If there is not an author the title will be written after the year of publication.
• The year of publication will be written in brackets and followed by a full stop.
• In the case of magazines it's necessary to add the exact date or the season.
Depending on their typology (books, chapters of books or articles) we will proceed as it follows:
• In case of books and reports, the journal title and subtitle should be composed in italics followed by a full stop. If it isn't the first edition you should indicate the edition number in brackets in regular font, and if it's necessary you can indicate the volume number, report... in brackets and full stop at the end.
• In case of articles or a chapter title, the first word of the title and subtitle of the article begins by uppercase. The text goes without inverted commas.
• In case of periodicals, the full title of the journal should be in italics with upper- and lowercase.
• If it is necessary to add some information to the title, it will be in brackets. Example: [Monograph], [Movie] [Software]...
Publication information
Depending on the type of magazine or book it's necessary to proceed as follows.
• In case of magazines or periodicals, the journal title should be in italics, it will be necessary to include the volume in italics, the edition number in regular font, and pages in regular font, separated by a hyphen. Example: Title of the Journal, 25, 213-220.
• In case of books and reports: it will be necessary to indicate the place (City and Country) where the publisher is located, followed by a colon and the name of the publisher ending with a full stop.
Electronic sources
When a document is accessible on Internet, its reference link or URL should be included. When the document has DOI it should be included.
For other circumstances related to the direct and indirect quotations, consult the following links:

1.4.5. Images
They will be delivered in separate files in .jpg format , 300 pp resolution and as playback in RGB color model . Obtaining permission to reproduce them , when needed , it is the sole responsibility of the author.The images will be cited in the text , in numerical order ( 1, 2 , 3 ...) and always with the name figure, regardless of the type of image that (Figure 1, Figure 2 , Figure 3 ... ) concerned. They include the end of the article, in low resolution numerical order and with one foot image or figure that identifies , in ARIAL 10, centered.

1.5 Submission of manuscript
Electronic communications should be submitted through the website at Questiones Publicitarias in Therefore, the authors must register on Web of Questiones Publicitarias journal.
The criteria to submit a piece of work, members of the Editorial Board and editorial policies, submission guidelines, review etc. are available on the web.


The following sets out some of the criteria to be considered for the publication of a scientific article in Questiones Publicitarias: 

2.1. Collaboration
a) Priority will be given to scientific articles by 2 or more authors;
b) 5 is considered as the maximum number of authors in scientific papers on a pilot basis.
c) Those articles where two or more institutions are involved will be prioritized. Being international is considered a positive value.: 

2.2. Endogamy
a) Endogamy in authorship will be penalized. This means no scientific papers will be published by authors who have direct link to the publication (reviewers, Editorial team...). In this sense no more than 15% of scientific articles per edition will be admitted.
b) The articles published in "Expertia"  will not be considered, as these will be specific invitations by the editorial team. The account will have the same character.:

2.3. Theme
a) The breadth of topics covered in the publication will be prioritized. In this sense the themes that repeat and do not bring anything new to the subject knowledge won´t be considered
b) Previously published articles won’t be considered. In this sense, the author should not submit contributions that are awaiting approval in other publications or have been accepted or even published.
c) If the investigation or any part of it has been presented at a congress or intends to do it, it is necessary that the content and development of the contribution is different to be published in the journal. 

2.4. Sections and contributions
a) The authors can submit contributions to enter the following sections: Research, Essay and Description.
b) The research papers are the core of the magazine. The review of the contributions will be made under the standard criteria for scientific journals which are published by grafica.
c) We encourage the publication of research articles by students, especially for doctoral candidates. These scientific papers should not exceed in any case, 40% of scientific articles per issue and will be identified as a novel. However, these contributions will follow the same procedure established for the research articles review.
d) Contributions can be made in the form of account for both general and specific topics: exhibitions, books, research ... If they are suitable to be published, they will be. Its relevance will be considered beyond its punctual interest.: 

2.5. Quotation 
It is also important to consider the pattern pursued in the publication of scientific articles in Questiones Publicitarias. In this sense, our criteria strengthen positive aspects that will be considered to publish in Questiones Publicitarias:
a) Promote the self quotation of authors who have published in QP. In this sense, an author who has published in QP must include in his next works, published or not in grafica, the article or articles published in QP.
b) Quotations crossed. In this aspect, we enhance those articles by outside authors mentioning Questiones Publicitarias.
c) Quotations of reference areas. In this aspect, we enhance those papers that quote reference authors, especially those from the Anglo-Saxon area.
d) Self-quotation. Self-quotation is permissible provided it makes sense to support the concepts or aspects developed in the paper.

Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
 Authors retain copyright.
The texts published in this journal are – unless indicated otherwise – covered by the Creative Commons Spain Attribution 3.0 licence. You may copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, provided you attribute it (authorship, journal name, publisher) in the manner specified by the author(s) or licensor(s). The full text of the licence can be consulted here:
Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

Privacy Statement
The email addresses and names entered in this site are used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or made available to third parties.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of personal data, you can exercise before the board of the Review, access rights, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding their data personal.


It indicates the perspective that the authors of the texts should follow.

3.1 Prologue

That language is a set of signs to express ideas and feelings, in short, knowledge, is obvious. Also, language is a social and cultural construct that is often used to manipulate or condition others. In this text we start from the idea that language does not change reality, at least suddenly, but it helps to build a more harmonious context of understanding.

Our editorial intent is to help reverse the trend of inertia that diminishes people’s identities or biases only one of the sexes or genders to the detriment of others.

Consequently, we want the texts published in the magazine to give prominence to those who have it and move them away from formulas that allow the interpretation of forced structures and not linked or grammatically consolidated by the writing of texts. The aim of this text is to provide some alternative language strategies to the use of the masculine as a generic without violating the language or falling into forced or contrived expressions.

3.2 Grammatical gender

Romance languages ​​are languages ​​with gender inflection. This means that nouns, adjectives, articles and pronouns vary according to this grammatical category. In catalan and castelian, we have two genders, male and female, and the male category is without marc. These only two genera have been preserved from Latin (which, moreover, had a gender neutral). This variation is not shared by all languages ​​and so, for example, English has no inflection (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 5). In English, there is no gender inflection and only some nouns and pronouns have definite gender referents (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 9).

“However, this dual value of gender, specific (referring to men) and generic (referring to men and women), has created many misunderstandings throughout history, usually with serious consequences for women. For this reason, in today's society, many people consider that the use of the masculine with generic value hides and / or excludes women. And it must be admitted that it is true that he can exclude them. " Leaving aside this debate about the appropriateness of using the masculine with generic value, it is easy to see that many current texts still exude sexist and androcentric views, which should be avoided. We understand by androcentric uses of language those that make invisible or make it difficult to imagine the presence or action of women in a given field. By sexist uses we mean those who despise or devalue one of the two sexes.” (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 6).

3.3 Non-sexist use of language

We are guided by two strategies in order not to use language in a sexist way: resources to make visible and resources to avoid.

When referring to a specific person, the masculine or feminine form must be used according to their gender. By names of professions and positions, then, we will use the feminine forms when we know that they refer to women. To know how is the feminine form of a name of profession, office, career, etc., consult the DIEC2 for Catalan, the DRAE3 for Spanish and for English (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, pp. 10).

In the case of a single form for the masculine and the feminine (invariable nouns), the feminine article — determined or indeterminate — is often the differentiating element. Similarly, the feminine forms of numerals and indefinite adjectives should be used (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 10).

We can also choose to use a generic name, or a double name: authorship, direction ...

In order to form the feminine, it is only necessary to follow the grammar rules. So, in the case of Catalan, we will use minister and blacksmith and not prosecutor or manager. The reason is that masculine words ending in -l and -nt are invariable (Junyent: 2021, p. 35).

3.4 Generic forms

When we do not refer to a specific person, we must use the invariant names in terms of gender or epicens (nouns of arbitrary inherent gender that indifferently designate male and female individuals: victim, character, child, individual ...). We can use the word person for a neutral form; or a part (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 12).

To express several people in the same group, the use of the masculine with generic value is the most common as it is the unmarked category and therefore cannot be considered sexist. In any case, metonymic constructions can be used, whenever possible, to designate these groups: everyone, the teachers, the students, the citizens, the neighborhood, the population, the people, the people, humanity ... (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 13).

You can also use names referring to people for expressions with non-personal references (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 17): We welcome you, written by, with the collaboration, authorship ...

3.5 Double shapes

We will avoid using double forms if we can, especially if we do it systematically. This procedure nullifies the emphasis, mythicization or differentiation (Junyent: 2021. p 24). However, we can find occasions when we do not find the right expression or when we want to express the feminine and the masculine singular form at the same time, especially in the singular. In the cases of the plural, we can use the masculine given that it has the value of generic unless the opposite is obvious (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 18).

The headings recommend the use of neutral forms without gender variation: Name, Name and Surname, Domicile, Place of birth, With the degree of, Country of origin ... (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 18).

If we want to clarify or emphasize the reference to women and men, the double forms is the recommended resource. It can be used in two ways, whole or abbreviated forms (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, pp. 19-22):

subscriber, subscriber or subscriber. We will not use the symbol @ (at): alumn@ s ...

Whole forms join the gender with the conjunctions and or (in Spanish with /; or in English) and are written in the desired order. Abbreviated forms have a more restricted use. The whole masculine form is written, followed by / and the feminine form.

We will prevent a feminine adjective from determining different gender nouns. The adjective matches the masculine noun, which in this case is preferably written before the feminine: the tallest men and women ...

When double forms are used, then, a single form of adjective or participle must always be used, even in singular cases: the Ombudsman is chosen ...

In the case of articles, on the other hand, it is advisable not to save any of them in the double forms coordinated with the conjunction and.

In the case of the double forms coordinated with the conjunction or and with certain articles we will double the name but not the article.

3.6 Change of pronoun

When pronouns mark the gender, we can change them to neutral pronouns: who, everyone, you ...

In the case of English, it will be necessary to find solutions to the problems that will arise in the use of the singular pronouns he and she and their respective possessives, his and her, to refer to an indeterminate person. Since these words have gender-specific referents (they are gender specific), in most cases the most convenient resource is to move the sentence to the plural, so that they become they and their, respectively. The ideal is to change the whole sentence to the plural, but in fact the use of the plural they or their (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 24).

3.7 Sexist stereotypes

Sexist stereotypes are often hidden behind certain statements. Our writing should (Heura Marçal et al: 2011, p. 29 et seq.):

  • Do not make asymmetrical use of surnames and treatments, and other asymmetries.
  • Take care of the proper use of adjectives and nouns with different semantic value if they refer to men or women: any or all ...
  • Use terms that include men and women: cleaning staff, medical team ...

We can identify sexist languages ​​in ( by Neus Nogué

3.8 Inclusive Language

Language tends to be economical. If a concept can be said in a few words there is no need to do it with more. However, language is also the result of social and historical ties with the reality around us. The French, Spanish and Andorran constitutional texts explicitly state the equality of citizens before the law and prescribe discrimination on the grounds of sex (Mestres et alt 1996, p. 300). In the same vein, the European Union or UNESCO are working to ensure that this equality is effective in the texts.

In the drafting of scientific texts, it will be necessary to use terms that, on the one hand, do not hide the sex of people as much as possible and, on the other hand, use terms that are inclusive.

That's why you need:

  • Put the full name in the bibliographic references. For example, Raimón Llopart and Rosa Llopart.
  • Use supposedly inclusive terms: “people” instead of “men and women”. For example, "researchers."
  • We will not write the differentiation men women. Researchers. Nor, as far as possible, will one of the two genders be used to describe the other: researchers (they understand that it is they and they).
  • The pronoun “we” will not be used. Thus, "we drafted ..." can be replaced by "drafted ..."
  • Replace the articles with the relative pronouns: who, what

Also, in the visual or audio-visual contents, we will try to be meticulous and balanced in the use of images in which the subjects can induce to establish discriminatory equivalences. Thus, if representative images of the population are to be included, men and women must be presented in an equivalent manner. If there are certain positive or negative qualities to be presented, or linked to activities, these will be linked equally to men and women.

In a special way, we will pay attention to the use of trades, professions, positions ... Catalan is a gender language and therefore has distinctive morphemes, in general, for the masculine and the feminine gender. The endings —e and —o are masculine, while the endings -a are feminine: author; architect / architect; monk / nun. However, there are cases that change: poet / poetess. On the other hand, there are some that do not vary depending on the gender: prosecutor, lecturer, donor, representative, spy, athlete ...

In short, the representation of sex in the writing of the contents will be taken care of. Needless to say, one language is oral and the other is written. Scientific texts must endure over time and, therefore, avoid social tendencies in the use of language and, at the same time, be respectful of both sexes, without violating the rules of the language.


Heura Marçal, Fiona Kelso i Mercè Nogués  (2011) Guia per a l’ús no sexista  del llenguatge a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Primera edició: novembre de 2008 Segona edició: octubre de 2011, revisada i actualitzada © Servei de Llengües i Observatori per a la Igualtat Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Document elaborat pel Servei de Llengües de la UAB per encàrrec de l’Observatori per a la Igualtat de la UAB. Editat pel Servei de Publicacions de la UAB Imprès per Mozart DL: B.37.684-2011.

Mestres, Josep Maria, Costa Joan, Oliva Mireia, Fité, Ricard (1996) Manual d’Estil. La redacció o l’edició de textos. Eumo editorial · Universitat de Barcelona · Universitat Pompeu Fabra · Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat. Barcelona

Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Diccionari de la llengua catalana. Segona edició. Barcelona: Edicions 62 i Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2007. <>3 (Consulta: Gener 2022).

Junyent, M. Carme (ed) (2021) Som dones, som lingüistes, som moltes i diem prou. Eumo Editorial. Vic

Real academia Española. Diccionario de la lengua española. 22a edició. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2003. <>es/draeI/> (Consulta: Gener 2022)

Nogué Serrano Neus (2014) en altres paraules. (Consulta: gener 2022)

Article of Monograph

The article of monograph is a document about a common subject and showing the point of view on the treated topic.

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4. Security

The UAB, in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance of protection and confidentiality of users' personal data, hereby informs you that we have adopted all the technical and organizational measures to safeguard security as required by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force on security of files containing personal data.

5. Cession of Data

We inform you that your data are processed confidentially and used for the ends indicated, and only communicated in the cases covered by the legislation and to bodies who, alongside the UAB, produce the journal, as shown on the website, and manage and collaborate in the journal's publication.

Personal metadata related with a published article (name and surname, profesional affiliation, ORCID number, country) are deposited and distributed, associated with an article, in order to assign a DOI through Crossreff.

The UAB provides users different recommendation options, which are the sole responsibility of the person sending the message. The UAB accepts no responsibility for the sending of unsolicited commercial mailings. Under no circumstances do we keep the recipient's email address. Likewise, batch sending of messages by users via these options is strictly prohibited, as is any commercial use.

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The UAB communicates to users, through this notice, that it uses cookies when the user accesses the different screens and pages that make up the site. The cookies used by the UAB are stored on the user's hard drive, but cannot read data contained thereon nor read the cookies created by other providers. The UAB uses cookies in order to recognize users who have registered and so as to offer them a better, more personalized service (the user's preferred language, etc.). They are also used to obtain completely anonymous information about access data (date, hour, minute, frequency, etc.), so as to be able to measure certain traffic parameters for the website itself and calculate the number of visits made, so that the UAB can focus and adjust the services offered most effectively. Despite this, the user may stop the generation of cookies by using the corresponding option offered by their browser. In this case, the website shall remain operative, but without the advantages offered for personalization.

7. Mailings

In compliance with article 21 of the Law on Information Society and E-commerce Services, which prohibits commercial mailings unless they have been expressly authorized by the recipients in advance, we hereby inform you that by accepting the terms of use and data protection policy, you expressly authorize informative, commercial, advertising and promotional mailings to the address provided. Nonetheless, if you do not wish to receive our commercial mailings, you can request cancellation following the instructions given in each mailing.

8. Modifications of this Data Protection Policy

This data protection policy was established on 5 May 2018. The UAB reserves the right to modify its data protection policy in future in accordance with its own criteria or due to a change in the legislation, jurisprudence or business practices. If the UAB introduces any changes, the new text shall be published on this same page, where the user is provided with information on the data protection policy. In any case, the relationship with users shall be governed by the regulations in force at the precise moment when they access the website and, as a result, they must be read every time users provide their data via our website.